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Sorry to all my birding and photography friends who were just duped by today’s blog title, however the migration we’re talking about is the website and not the far more interesting raptors which are over head and heading south as we speak 🙂

At this point the blog format is pretty much finalized, with the addition of a few widgets on the side bar and one at the end of each blog post.  To the side bar has been added the opportunity to follow my Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr and RSS pages.  You can now search for blog posts by category from the sidebar as well, which is a way of searching the archives by topic as opposed to date.  Another sidebar widget lists the last five comments that have been made on blog posts.  Please feel free to leave comments as it’s always a pleasure to receive them and leaving suggestions for improvement to the blog & website is the only way I can improve it.  Finally at the end of each blog post is an opportunity to share that post with your Facebook, Twitter and Stumble! friends.

All of the posts from the old  blog (Blogspot) were transferred to the  new blog (WordPress) which included the Flickr URL’s for images. These are the smaller images that are seen in some of the old posts.  I’m in the process of storing all my images on the Bluehost servers and in the future all blog and gallery images will be linked to images stored on the webhost servers. This allows for a more efficient use of bandwidth as well as allowing various animations, automatic image resizing (i.e, thumbnails) and slide show transitions that would not be otherwise possible.  Once all the galleries are populated I will remove all the old blog images (with Flickr URL’s) and replace them with the images stored at Bluehost (another one of those tedious time-consuming things that need to get done).

The biggest job ahead is developing the galleries.  The Cityscape gallery is now up to date and hopefully the rest of the galleries will soon follow.  All of the images need to be watermarked as well which is a labour intensive but necessary task to accomplish.  Having your images stolen is perhaps flattering at first but then it becomes very annoying and certainly unfair.  Thanks Arni, for finally convincing me to get the images watermarked 🙂

So now its time to get back to the galleries and hopefully the next migration post will have some bird images to go along with it!!