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Lindsay & Cam’s Wedding; Before the Ceremony

Lindsay & Cam’s Wedding; Before the Ceremony

Here are a few more snaps taken in our hotel room before leaving for the church.  It was a very hectic hour or two with all the bridesmaids and Lindsay getting changed, doing last-minute hair and make-up modifications but also have  a truly great time with lots of laughter and excitement.  Deb & I actually had to leave and get ready in a friend’s room.

I’m not really certain where I found the time to play around with a few artsy shots, especially as there was a professional photographer there to do those kinds of things, however here are some samples.

The jewel work on the wedding dress (taken with the 100mm macro lens at f/2.8, handheld thanks to the new four stop hybrid image stabilization that Canon has developed)

It seems that a shot of the wedding shoes is becoming a standard wedding album image.  These two images are of the bridesmaids shoes using the wedding dress as the back ground.

Lindsay chose the perfect brand of shoe for her bridesmaids “Unforgettable Moments”.

And the Brides shoes, complete with band-aids 🙂

Here is proof positive that I’m blessed beyond measure….. Ellesse, Deb, Lindsay and Stacey.

A quiet moment captured through the veil.

This last shot is becoming one of my favourites; although in a messy room with awful lighting, it captures a very special moment between sisters.  It was truly a candid shot and I don’t think either one knew it was being taken.

Lindsay Jill, A Beautiful Bride

Lindsay Jill, A Beautiful Bride

Our oldest daughter, Lindsay, married Cameron Bechtold on July 24, 2011 in Geneva which is located on the North end of Lake Seneca in the Finger Lakes Region of New York State. It was a fabulous day in every way and I’ll report more comprehensively in an upcoming blog post.  Although being Father of the Bride prevented taking many pictures, I was able to get a few shots before the wedding and at the reception.


The two images in this post were taken in our hotel room about an hour before the wedding using the Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 L IS macro lens which really performs well as a portrait lens.


July 2011 Update

July 2011 Update

It’s been a month since the last SMP blog entry so an update is long over due. It seems we’ve been just too busy to process any files and keep the website & blog refreshed with everything else that’s been going on at our place. The CF cards have been piling up by my computer so there will be lots of fresh material coming soon.

Our daughter Lindsay married Cameron Bechtold on July 24th in Geneva, New York, so we now have a wonderful son-in-law. They will be living in Lynchburg, Virginia for the next two or three years while they finish their degrees and then start grad school at Liberty University. Although I wasn’t the wedding photographer (too busy being father of the bride) I was able to take a few portraits of Lindsay before the wedding which I’ll post as soon as they are processed. For the portraits I used the new Canon EF 100 mm f/2.8 L IS macro. It’s an excellent lens and fun to use although I must admit I still have a huge soft spot for the 85mm f/1.2 L lens that it replaced in my lens kit. The versatilty of the macro is much better than the 85/1.2 and it’s equally as sharp even though a lot less expensive.

We are now looking forward to our son Jeffrey and his fiance Ellesse’s wedding in Toronto on October 1st….only eight weeks away! It’s been a busy season for weddings in the Martin family but it’s been fantastic as we have gained an incredible daughter in law and son in law.

Jeff & Ellesse were engaged in March in Florida and I was pleased to be able to take the engagement photographs. They were all taken at Disney World at the Grand Floridian Hotel. Most of the images were taken with the 24-105 f/4 L IS and the 70-200 f/2.8 L IS lenses.

Jeff & Ellesse 04
Jeff & Ellesse 10
Jeff & Ellesse 17
Jeff & Ellesse 09
Jeff & Ellesse 15

More images of Jeff & Ellesse can be seen in their gallery

This entire blog entry was done from the cottage on an iPad2 tethered to an iPhone4 for internet access. It worked very well except I couldn’t resize the images to better fit the blog layout. That will have to wait until I get home.