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The Lincoln Memorial is at the western end of the National Mall in Washington DC (the Capitol Building marks the eastern end of the mall about two miles away).  The Lincoln Memorial was completed in 1922 and is a type of Greek Doric Temple that houses a 19′ high marble statue of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th American President.  The Memorial is one of the most recognized American icons, featured on both the five dollar bill and one cent coin.  The temple has 36 columns representing the number of states in the union at the time of Lincoln’s assassination and the 48 states existing at the time of the Memorial’s completion in 1922 are carved around the attic of the structure (a plaque recognizing Alaska & Hawaii is embedded in the patio floor near the base of the steps leading into the Memorial).  The words of Lincoln’s Gettysburg address are carved in the marble walls of the interior of the Memorial along with the text of his second inaugural address.

Early morning light is best for photographing the Memorial and is also a time when not too many people are around.  Being one of the most photographed Memorials in the states it is impossible to be original but I’ve tried to post some less common views.

When shooting cityscapes & landscapes, I use a Kata backpack to hold the gear which includes three lenses (16-35, 24-105 & 70-200/2.8), flash, CPL, 4X6 ND grads, two cameras and other odds and ends.  All three lenses, CPL & ND grads were used taking these shots of the Memorial.  Although it was over 100°F carrying enough equipment is the only way to get the right shots…..or in my case try to get the right shots 🙂